Saturday, March 20, 2010

Caring for Health

1. The new U.S. health care bill forces people to buy expensive brand name drugs instead of generic ones, thereby increasing costs tremendously. (CBC)

2. U.S. health insurance companies are not covered by anti-trust legislation: they are free to collude on prices and policies. (CBC)

3. The new health care bill will maintain the status quo in place since 1976 for abortions: no federal money can be used to fund them. In any case, you can't get a legal abortion in 87% of the counties in the U.S. (mostly because doctors are afraid to perfom them) and yet 20% more abortions are done in the U.S. than in France, where they are covered under universal health care; twice as many abortions in the U.S. than in Germany. (Huffington, Time)

4. The US spends $7290 per head on health care, the UK spends $2992; infant mortality is 6.7 per 1000 live births in the US, as against 4.8 in the UK (and 3.8 in France); life expectancy is one year less in the US than in the UK, and three years less than in France. (BBC)